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Process Management 2

Process Creation, System calls related to the process, cooperation between processes , Message Passing, Interprocess communication


fork() system call

A process is created by the fork() system call.

  • created a new address space that is a duplicate of the caller
int main(){
	int pid;
    pid = fork();
    if(pid == 0){ /* this is child */			Child process -> pid = 0
    	printf("\n Hello, I am child!\n");
    }else if(pid>0) { /*this is parent */
    	printf("\n Hello, I am parent!\n");		Parent process -> pid > 0

exec() system call

A process can execute a diffent program by the exec() system call.

  • replaces the memory image of the caller with a new program.
int main(){
	int pid;
    pid = fork();
    if(pid == 0){ /* this is child */			Child process -> pid = 0
    	printf("\n Hello, I am child! Now i'll run date \n");
        execlp("/bin/date", "/bin/date",(char)0);
    }else if(pid>0) { /*this is parent */
    	printf("\n Hello, I am parent!\n");		Parent process -> pid > 0

wait() system call

when process 'A' calls wait() system call

  • The Kernel puts process A to sleep until the child terminates. (block state)
  • once the child process terminates, the kernel wakes up process A (ready state)
int main(){
	int childPid;
    childPid = fork();
    if(pid == 0){ /* this is child */			Child process -> pid = 0
    	<code for child process>

exit() system call

Terminates of process

  1. Voluntary termination
    • Through exit() system call after the last statement was performed.
    • The compiler automatically inserts it at the end of the 'main' function, even if not explicitly specified in the program
  2. Non-Voluntary termination
    • The parent process forcefully terminates the child process 
      • If the child process requests the resources beyond the maximum limit.
      • the task assigned to the child is no longer required.
    • When the type 'kill', 'break' or similar commands on the keyboard.
    • When it is terminated by the parent
      • The children terminates before the parent process.

Colaboration between processes

Independent process

  • Each process has its own address space so, in principle, one process can't affect the execution of another process

Cooperating process

  • Through IPC , one process can affect  the execution of another process

IPC(Interprocess Communication)

  • The method of message passing.
    • message passing : message passing through the kernel
  • The method of sharing the address space
    • shared memory : There is shared memory mechanism that allows certain parts of the address space to be shared even among different processes.
  • Thread : thread는 사실상 하나의 프로세스이므로 프로세스 간 협력으로 보기는 어렵지만 동일한 process를 구성하는 thread들 간에는 주소 공간을 공유하므로 협력이 가능

Message Passing

Message system

  • 프로세스 사이에 공유 변수(shared variable)를 일체 사용하지 않고 통신하는 시스템

Direct Communication

  • 통신하려는 프로세스의 이름을 명시적으로 표시

Indirect Communication

  • mailbox(또는 port)를 통해 메시지를 간접 전달

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